Wednesday, July 06, 2005


New York is not hosting the Olympics in 2012! This means we don't have to spend the next 7 years tearing up the city to build athletic facilities. Now let's get to work building affordable housing on the site where the West Side Stadium isn't going to be.


  1. Are we sure they're not going to build the stadium anyway, either for the Jets or just because they feel like it?

  2. They're not building it on the West Side -- State Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate majority leader Joseph Bruno blocked it (over Bloomberg's and Pataki's protests) a few weeks ago. The next day, AM New York and the New York Metro had identical headlines: "Silver bullet". Now the Jets are talking about building a stadium in Queens, near Shea. That's much more reasonable - we won't have to worry about an extra 50,000 cars driving into Manhattan on game days.

  3. It's great that there won't be a stadium, but why do you want affordable housing in Manhattan? This is prime real estate, and with low income housing, we lose instead of gain tax revenue.

    It's fiscally very irresponsible.

    And I'm sure you wouldn't want to be that, Mah Rabu!

  4. "Why do you want affordable housing in Manhattan?"

    Is that a joke?

  5. No, no joke - affordable housing rarely, if ever,is created for the middle class.

    It all goes to "the most needy", and we know who that is!

    Bad, bad use of prime real estate.

  6. It all goes to "the most needy", and we know who that is!

