Sunday, June 03, 2007

Dates announced: Mah Rabu farewell tour

In about 3 months, I'll be on a plane to Israel! In the meantime, I'll be based in New York City and making a farewell tour around the eastern United States. The dates below are the minimum time I'll be in those places; most of these stays can be extended in either direction (since I'm not working after June 27). Drop me a line if you'll be in any of these cities on or around any of these dates and want to hang out.

  • [Dates TBA]: Pittsburgh
  • June 29 - July 1: Baltimore
  • July 13-14: Washington DC
  • July 20-21: Boston
  • August 6-12: Rindge NH
  • August 17-19: Chicago


  1. No, just through June 2008.

  2. Oh right, that too. On Tuesday I went to the Museum Mile Festival, when all the museums on Museum Mile are free.

    We went to the Museum of the City of New York and saw "The Jewish Daily Forward: Embracing an Immigrant Community", "New York Rises: Photographs by Eugene de Salignac", and "New York Interiors". With 10 minutes left until closing, we did a whirlwind tour of "Facing Fascism: New York and the Spanish Civil War", and this wasn't nearly enough time, but it was enough for my nearly nonexistent knowledge of the Spanish Civil War to multiply manyfold.

    I hear that the line to get into the Guggenheim was around the block, and I'm more interested in New York history than in art anyway (though I hope to hit some Target Free Fridays at MoMA this summer, with Shabbat starting so late), so this was definitely the right choice.

    Which museum(s) did you go to?

    Which museum(s) should I be sure to hit before leaving NYC?

  3. BZ -

    Will you be in Jerusalem for the year? Any specific plans? I'll be at HUC for the year. Perhaps we will catch up at KZ-Jerusalem? Shoot me an email at nyapartmentsearch at gmail dot com (I'll give you my real email address in a less public forum).

    RGM (

  4. This is not farewell (even till June, 2008) for Mah Rabu, the blog is it? I mean, you will keep all this up and accessible even if you suspend updating it. Please say you will... (Better yet, please say you will keep updating from Israel.)

  5. Yes, I'll keep blogging from Israel - sorry i haven't been posting much lately!
