Monday, January 16, 2006

Welcome, Limmudnyks!

I just got back from Limmud NY, one of the few real-life examples of Stage 3 pluralism. We've been blogging about it over at Jewschool, where it has its very own category.

If you also just got back from the Catskills and arrived at this blog via the link in the back of the Limmud NY program book, then it's likely that you're looking for one of the following:

  • Kol Zimrah has monthly services in the style of Friday night's musical service, and the next one is this coming Friday night, January 20! All are invited.
  • Kol Zimrah's MP3 collection contains various tunes for kabbalat shabbat.
  • Hadar's CD, Pri Eitz Hadar, contains tunes particularly for Shabbat morning and high holidays.
  • There will be much much more soon! I can't say anything more now, but it will be so worth the wait!
  • You can order your very own Friday night purple siddur, seen at the musical service and the learners' service.
  • The yellow siddur (not seen at Limmud NY) is a similar format for Shabbat morning.
  • The new Reform siddur (seen at the Saturday morning musical service) is coming out in the next few months, and you can pre-order a copy.
  • No, there's no book (that I know of) about quantum mechanics, Talmud, and indeterminacy; it's still Oral Torah.
  • I'm co-chairing the NHC Summer Institute (August 7-13), which is similar to Limmud, but a week long and with better weather and a more relaxed pace. Registration will open soon!

Other questions?


  1. By chance do you remember the "choice words" used during services to describe the new Reform siddur?

    Again, great finally meeting you!

  2. Ask Ruby K -- he's the one who heard it.

    I have the same issues with the new Reform siddur that I had with the old one, albeit to a lesser extent. I'll keep up the iTunes metaphor. We can create our own playlists for prayer, with more or fewer constraints depending on one's approach toward obligation. The traditional siddur is like the iTunes Library, where lots of tracks are available and you can select the ones you want (where "you" is an individual, or a community, or a generation). (And yes, in a Reform context, I think uploading new tracks is entirely appropriate.) Gates of Prayer is like listening to someone else's playlist, assembled by some rabbi in 1975. (And I don't care if that rabbi is my grandfather.)

    Great to meet you too!
